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Any and all of your time is very much appreciated, be well, be safe and dine with you soon!
We are HONORED to be ranked #1 in all of Bethesda (Since December of 2017) and would really appreciate your help in staying there!
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5225 Pooks Hill Road
Bethesda, MD 20814
Tues - Sat 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Sunday Brunch 11am-3pm,
3 pm -8 pm Dinner
Rockville Location:
l12307 Wilkins Avenue
Rockville, MD 20852
Tues - Saturda 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Sunday Brunch 11am - 3pm
3 pm -8 pm Dinner Service
Chef Tony’s Fresh Seafood brings the best of the ocean to Rockville & Bethesda Maryland, offering expertly crafted seafood dishes with a Mediterranean twist. As Bethesda’s #1 seafood destination for over three years on TripAdvisor, we pride ourselves on using the freshest ingredients and sustainable seafood to create unforgettable dining experiences. Visit us for a taste of our signature dishes, reserve your table today, or order online for the same delicious flavors at home. Experience Chef Tony’s — where seafood is our passion, and quality is our promise
So just to make sure it's clear...